Instructions for Using Online Forms
  1. Locate the form you need by chosing a type of form on Online Forms page or from the Online Forms main menu.
  2. Scroll through the listing of forms. Note: All forms are available in PDF format and some are also available as web forms you can complete online.The following steps are for completing online web forms.
  3. Click the button called Online Form under the Forms column for the Type of Filing you want to make.
  4. Fill out all the items in the online form. Note: For assistance, click the Click to see instructions button on the right side of each form.
  5. Some forms allow you to add an additional document. This step is optional. If additional information needs to be attached, put all the additional information into ONE file and upload the file by clicking the Upload Supporting Document button. It might take a while to upload a large file (maximum size allowed is 7 MB). If no additional information needs to be attached, leave this item blank.
  6. Check that all is accurate then click the Submit button at the bottom of the form.
  7. After submitting your completed online form, you will be presented with a payment page. The price of your form submission will be displayed. Click the Submit Payment button and you will be brought to a secure payment page to pay the registration fee. Monarch Registries accepts Visa, MasterCard and American Express.

    On the secure payment page, make sure you complete the correct information before you submit payment. Wait until a success page or a failure page appears before you proceed. It may take a while to process your payment. If the payment process fails, that means your bank rejected the payment. Contact your bank for details. Your form is not saved in our database. If you are unable to complete a form and pay online, please contact us for assistance.

    Monarch Registry will email you a payment receipt after payment goes through. Monarch Registry will process your request as soon as possible. Please note services will be processed during our regular business hours only. If you don't receive any emails or calls from Monarch Registry for two days, contact Monarch Registries ASAP.

Online forms must be completed in their entirety and submitted in one single session.
Form information is not saved for completion at a later time.

If you have any questions or comment, please email us at: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Thank you.