Articles of Dissolution
Business Corporations Act
Sections 211 and 212

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1. Name of Corporation
2. Corporate Access Number
3a. The Corporation has not issued any shares, has no property and no liabilities
3b. The Corporation has no property and no liabilities
3c. The Corporation has liabilities
3d. The Corporation has not sent a statement of revocation of intent to dissolve
4. If the Corporation is being dissolved under Section 212 of the Business Corporations Act, the following question must be answered:

Has this Corporation complied with Section 212(7) of the Act?
5. Documents and records of the Corporation shall be kept for six years from the date of dissolution by:

Name (First, Initial, Last)
Business Address (City / Town Province Postal Code)
Authorized Signature (applicable for societies only)
Name of Person Authorizing
Valid Identification Type & Number (not applicable for societies)

This information is being collected for the purposes of corporate registry records in accordance with the Business Corporations Act. Questions about the collection of this information can be directed to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Coordinator for Alberta Registries, Box 3140, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2G7, (780) 427-7013.

REG 3038 (Rev. 2003/05)

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